FTS Stomp the Rock (29 - 31 Oct 2020)


The Florida Trail Stompers (FTS) will hold their annual “Stomp the Rock” at Windrock Park between 29 - 31 Oct 2020. Right now there are about 25 folks signed up from Florida who will trek up to Tennessee for some wheeling at Windrock, including yours truly.

Just wanted to post his up to see if any of the Goats would like to join. As of my last check, all the cabins at the Windrock campground are booked already but RV and tent sites were still available. I may tent it but if the weather is too cold at night I may just stay at one of the hotels in Oak Ridge.

Judging by the list of folks I see who will be attending this from Florida, most will be happy on the “blue/green” trails but there are a small handful that may wish to push themselves on some more difficult trails. Anyway, just wanted to throw out the invite. Would be great to hook up and do some wheeling with some of you this year. Let me know.



Hmmmm :face_with_monocle: