Rausch Aug 5 (Camp Heep)


There was a brake fluid leak (probably two)! I stopped and dumped a can of brake fluid into the reservoir and pumped it a bit then inspected the brakes. Rear passenger brake line bolt was loose and dripping so I torqued it and dumped another bottle in to max:

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It felt better for a while but eventually got mushy again. When I got home I saw fluid dripping from somewhere above the MC underarmor. No idea about source yet- not visible. Will have to wait until after I get back from the work trip to CA.



good luck JP, at least you made it home ok, good wheeling w ya!

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Hey you got home safe!

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Great wheeling with you guys!

Update - that leaking looks like it’s unrelated and also its water, saw source from a plastic port through the heat shield in engine compartment. Might be from AC possibly condensation with all the humidity.

Mine’s getting near 40k miles anyway, going to give it to the local dealer, list out everything- fan, brakes, etc and see what they do/say/quote just out of curiosity (some dealers won’t touch them after you’ve swapped too much of the drivetrain).

Otherwise going shopping for a pressure bleeder.